Jack Stevens: Summary

What do I value in design/engineering work?
Simplicity (low part count, multipurpose parts), and maintainability
Intuitive integration between design teams and parts
User's experience
What do I find valuable in a creative/professional environment?
Ideation/brainstorming in person in groups
Transparency and support between teams
Passion in projects that make everyone go the extra mile
What do I do outside of industry/academics?
Drone piloting, video editing, and cinematography
Staying active! Running and lifting, mostly
Hiking, skiing, and travel
22 year old engineer, Eagle Scout and hobbyist video editor
B.S. Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University
Raised in the Philadelphia area, and the Greater Boston Area​

Hardware Engineer Coop
Data processing/visualization to characterize and analyze failure incidents (SQL + MATLAB)
Advanced part modeling using SolidWorks (Large Assemblies, PDM, etc.) and ANSYS (FEA)
Component/assembly fabrication (Engineering drawings using GD&T, vendor relations)
Rapid Prototyping (CAD, 3D printing, hand tools, testing campaign design and analysis)
Working on 2 teams, Sustaining (up-fitting deployed technology) and Proteus Product Development


Start up autonomous drone company, advanced perception + RF solutions, AI flight planning
Mechanical Engineering Coop
Improved thrust/aerodynamic efficiency and analysis procedures
Increased flight time by 92% through motor/ESC research and optimizing configurations
Designed UAV Base Station using SolidWorks and Microsoft Suite (Excel, Visio, PPT)
Improved additive manufacturing (small scale) understanding and applications
Managed vendor relations and part management system
Operated drones tests/data collection for AI pathfinding, and communication security
Head Structural Engineer
- Led a team of 20 through R&D vehicle aerodynamics, bodywork and chassis
- Utilized Excel (Project Management), SolidWorks (FEA, PDM, etc.) and leadership skills
Chassis Design Project Lead
- Led a team of 7 engineers, achieving -22% weight, decreased frontal area and overall height
- Applied SolidWorks (Weldments, FEA, Large Assemblies, PDM), and simple ANSYS studies
Ergonomics Team Member
- Accelerator pedal design and fabrication (CAD, hand tools, manual mill)
- Harness fixtures, Floor and Firewall Installation (CAD, 3D printing, waterjet, Instron testing

Relevant Coursework
Senior Capstone Design
CAD and Manufacturing
Systems Analysis and Control
Mechanical Computation and Design
Electrical Engineering
Measurement and Analysis
Material Science
Fluid Dynamics
Mechanics of Materials