For my summer course, statics, I was given the flexibility for what I able to investigate for my final project/application of the ideas I had been exposed to in the course. This ranged from bridges and other civil oriented subject matter, to part design (for those mechanically inclined, such as myself). I settled on learning more about biomechanics as I find this interesting...
and wanted to use the engineering design process to settle a debate at the gym with my friends, Is more force required, and is it harder, for those who have longer arms, to curl the same weight in a standard bicep curl?

This is the most concise way to show off the results of the calculations I made, that there is only slightly more force required by a larger person (longer limbs/forearm), but the catch is that the measurements were taken from bodybuilders, so the proportions of muscle size to body size is much more unattainable for taller people than for shorter people, so it is fair to say, from an engineering standpoint, that is more challenging for those with longer arms (that's at least what I tell my friends at the gym...)