Simple Inline 4 Cylinder Engine - SolidWorks Exploration

August, 2021
Lexington, MA, USA
This design was inspired from a template of measurements, estimated from consumer vehicle inline 4 cylinder engines. Exercising my skills with part design I made a 21 part assembly which consisted of, generally, a crankshaft, gears, 4 pistons, and a 4 part engine block. Using mostly simple mates, yet a few advanced mates the SolidWorks package provides, I was easily able to create the assembly.
From here I was just experimenting, using tools such as exploded views, animations with a motor applied to the axis of rotation of the crankshaft, and the Animation Wizard tool.
This was super neat, and I was only briefly exposed to this during my time working with Northeastern's Electric Racing team (NER), which has been extremely lucrative as far as mentorships and inside info from upperclassmen at Northeastern. Take a look at the attached photos and animations if you are interested in this mini-project.