As the final project for my introduction to engineering fundamentals course (Cornerstone of Engineering GE1501/1502), which elevated my skills in CAD, C++, MATLAB, and Arduino Coding, as well as Engineering in groups (EDP), My group and I, created a complex Rube Goldberg machine that utilized 3D printing, laser cutting, 6x Arduino UNO's and countless mechanical and electrical stages to deliver COVID-19 PSA's to college students. This project, while technically challenging in some respects, was more focused on the EDP and how to work on a team for an "employer", as we had project managers, formal presentations and client meetings weekly and frankly overkill planning for such a small endeavor. Fun experience nonetheless, and we got to make a paper reaching nearly 100 pages.
There was a lot of KTDA diagrams, thought maps, brainstorm organization as the purpose of the project was to teach prospective engineers how to utilize the very detail focussed engineering design process. This is seen in the images below.

Another interesting and learning aspect of this project, was the importance of Arduino's and simple coding (photosensors, potentiometers, servos, LED's, speakers, etc.) My group and I exceeded the minimum requirement of Arduinos used for in the Rube Goldberg Machine, and had to make wire diagrams, models and reference all code used in the appendix's in the latter half of the paper attached below.